4th International Symposium on
Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources
September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany
GPGR4 was organised by an enthusiastic committee of international scientists representing academic, governmental and charitable organisations with an interest in preservation of plant genetic diversity. The scientific committee included the organisers of the first three GPGR4 symposia in China, Italy and Korea. Our aim was to organise another highly successful and stimulating meeting which provided delegates the opportunity to catch up on the latest developments in this fast-moving field and network with experts for crop diversity and genomics from all over the world.

Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

University of Queensland, Australia

University of Bologna, Italy

Global Crop Diversity Trust

Global Plant Council, UK


Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, Australia

IPK Gatersleben, Germany

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing, China

CYMMIT, Mexico

Bioversity International

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

Universidade de Pelotas, Brazil

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

FAO, Rome, Italy

Seoul National University, Korea